
Flow cytometry: Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma


Revision as of 10:05, 13 July 2023 by John (talk | contribs)


Background to flow cytometric diagnosis

This is an uncommon diagnosis by flow cytometry and the immunophenotype is less frequently reported. This table represents the most frequet penotypic features, but emphasises that there is no absolutely typical pattern that sets this diagnosis apart from other B-LPD. However, DLBCL cells generally circulate and involve bone marrow only at only a late stage in disease so in many cases a diagnosis has already been made. Where these cases present as a new diagnosis by blood or marrow diagnosis requires careful correllation with other features.

Immunophenotype of DLBCL
Major markers useful in CLL diagnosis
Marker Freq Level Comment
CD19 - Generally CD19 will be expressed
κ/λ Light chain restriction usually detected
CD5 - Uncommon but seen in some cases
CD79b - Generally expressed
CD200 - Detected infrequently
FMC7 Generally expressed
Other relevant markers
CD10 - Expression may be seen
CD11C -
CD20 - Expect expression, rarely it is absent
CD23 - Infrequent but reported
CD25 - Expressed in rare cases
CD38 -
CD43 -
CD103 -
CD138 -

Key to table:

Key to colour code for expression frequency Click for link

Key to expression strength code and use Click for link