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CD38 helps mobilise intracellular calcium to activate a wide array of cell functions. In haematological cell types CD38 it is widely expressed by lymphoid cells )B, T and NK) as well as myeloid precursor cells and mature myeloid cells. It has particular diagnostic importance for lymphocytes where CD38 expression is acquired as stem cells commit to B-cell lineage, then is lost as mature B cells emerge from bone marrow before being re-acquired at the time of plasma cell differentiation.

What is its diagnostic role?

  • The wide expression of CD38 limits its diagnostic value except in very specific circumstances

^The major use is to combine CD38 with CD138 where co-expression identifies normal or neoplastic plasma cells

  • CD38 may also be expressed in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia where expression on >20% has been associated with poorer outcome, although it is not widely used as a progostic marker

Other relevant information: CD38 is a therapeutic target, daratumumab is a monoclonal antibody which binds to CD38 and is used in the treatment of myeloma.


Expression of CD38 by primitive lymphoid cells: ALL and haematogones
pro-B ALL early pre-B ALL pre-B ALL B-ALL pro-T ALL mature-T ALL AML Haematogones
* stg

* low expression correlates with subtype e.g. APML

Expression of CD38 by mature B cells: B-lymphoproliferative disorders
* ** stg/mod

*May indicate adverse prognostic when present on more than 20% of cells

**May be weak

1. Colour key: - the likelihood of any individual case expressing this marker, indicated by colour:

Rare (<5%) Possible (5-20%) Likely (20-40%) Frequent (40-80%) Expected (80-100%)

2. Text key: - where expression level is characteristic of a disorder this is indicated by text:

abs = absent expression, wk = weak expression, mod = moderate expression, stg = strong expression, sub = expression may be on a sub-population of cells