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Typical CLL can be diagnosed with some confidence using flow cytometry. CLL cells express low levels of B-cell receptor associated molecules (e.g. CD19, CD79B and sIg) together with CD5 and CD23 in typical cases. However, atypical cases are regularly encoutered and can cause diagnosic difficulty.

Immunophenotype of CLL
Major markers useful in CLL diagnosis
Marker Freq Level Comment
κ/λ wk/ abs Expect weak or absent restricted κ or λ expression
FMC7 Wk May be expressed by atypical cases, generally absent
CD5 Mod Characteristic of CLL, usually less strong than on T cells
CD10 - Rare in CLL, consider FL if detected
CD11C Wk Expressed in some cases, but tends to be weak
CD19 Wk/ mod Expression is expected, but less strong than normal B cells
CD20 Wk Expression is expected, but characteristically weak
CD23 Wk/ Mod Characteristic of CLL, although can rarely be weak or absent
CD25 Wk/ Mod Expressed by many cases of CLL but characteristically weak
CD38 Wk Expressed by some cases of CLL, typically weak
CD43 Wk/ Mod Similar to CD200, may be helpful in some cases
CD79a Wk Expression is expected, but characteristically weak
CD103 Not expressed by CLL, consider HCL if found
CD200 Wk Characteristically positive in CLL and negative in MCL

Pitfalls and atypical cases